Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Let's catch up the missing blogging!! So...for last week, it's about copyright!

Have you ever noticed the mark of copyright in some productions?! As it is shown above on right side of the title, little letter of c,that is the symbol mark of copyright! I actually never pay attention to that mark seriousely before but yes, i could find it on DVD, Guinness bear and...etc.

Copyright is the legal right which giving to the authour to publish, broadcast, perform it etc., and other people must ask their permission to use it or any part of it. This definition is based on a dictionary. Also it gives exclusive rights only to the author to make profit from them.

Copyright infrigement is deserved when people violate the copyrighted works by copying arts, music, books and stuff, performing them in public, etc. In this case, downloading music online is infrigement?? Using the copyrighted works on my blog?? It depends on how and what we used it for. So now i moves on to the term fair use, which it was new term for me.

Fair use is the concept that the United States copyright law accepts some exception of copyright infrigement. There are four factors that determines whether it is fair use or not.I listed them down following.

1.the nature and objects of selections made
2.the nature of the copyrighted work
3.the quantity and value of the materials used
4.the degree in which the use may prejudice the sale or the diminish the profits or supersede the objects of the original work

In this sensem if downloading music into the MP3 player for myself, it is hardly understood as infringement. But if you burn it into CD-ROM, it can be copyright infringement because it becomes productive. Using the copyrighted sorce on my blog also be able to apply to the concept of fair use, as long as my blog is not considered as commercial purpose.

We tends to ignore the copyright becuse of availability of downlodaing online, and an improvement of technology. It is good opportunity to review copyright for the future.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reality and virtualreality

Last Tuesday's lecture was about gamer. I know very much about gamer because i have one 'guy' who is actually crazy about WOW. He spends most of the day playing WOW online. I guess his average playing hours may be around 7 hrs per day at least. It's unbelievable, isn't it!
He is doing quite well out of its endless game wow online, but in real life...

People has more chance to access virtual spaces. The popularlization of the virtual space brings the question of the concept between virtual and reality. It is quite hard to see the things as real or virtual as virtual space merges into real life. Online activity through the internet can structure the virtual community like cybersociety providing with new identity of yourself without physical contact. Virtual community should never be confused with real community.

By the way, I am interesting in 'virtual reality', that is the space where physical body can interact with virtual spaces. It is known that virtual reality is potential space for developing and innovating real life. For example, simulation is one. There are many types of simulation such as interactive simulation, medical simulation like therapeutic and diagnostic, and education and training simulations. These simulations are developed to provide a form of practice.

I watched some video of virtual reality on you tube, how they move, how devices move... it's very interesting! (its better put these videos if i know how to do..) I wanna try one! Their minds are in different world while they are accessing the virtual spaces although their physical body is in reality. I think it is contradictory that the virtual reality has to do with both virtual space and reality to play at real life. I believe that virtual reality can not perform physical reality perfectly with no nualce between them. So this can be drawbacks to implementing an augmented reality.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blogs and Information

I missed last week's post...

Blogs to me seems rather subjective; a place for exchanging own opinions rather than providing information(at least that is how i am using my blog). Each person has different ways of using blogs, but anyone can access and write whatever they wants but opinons can not be considered as infomation. So the informational value of the blog is not so high, i think and also i believe that traditional mass media like televion and newspaper are still keeping higher reliability of information due to a code being followed by professional journalists.

However the improvement of blogs with higher reliabilities of information could be expected in the future, as many peope have prefered in two ways communication.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Weak tie and Strong tie

Personaly i prefer the relationship with a strong tie, but i know how much people relationships are complex and i often feel difficulties in having relationship between people, even between some of my friends.

One reason can be that we are just connected with a weak tie.
As we've learnt this week, the individual's background;language, experience/history affects on communication practices and determines the level of ties in relationship. Especially im here overcease, im experiencing many sorts of things. Oh...maybe it's good time to mention but actually im still struggling to understandand and to speakEnglish..its hard(>0<) so this blog is quite happy place where i can express myself with satisfacton without regard to right or wrong. Back to the topic!

SNS(Social Network Service) like blogs, bebo and 'mixi' (that's a japanese one) etc are examples of virtual communities and social networks (i think?) getting more popular among people. I'm not sure about this but i've heard before that recently japanese 'mixi' are becoming workers' criterion for identiy or smth among some companies in japan. Virtual communities are becoming a part of identity?!! Is it one relating to the term social capital??

I think virtual communities are relatively linked by weak tie but what makes it weak? it can be time lag, lack of emotional intensity etc because of limited way of communication. I mean it doesn't really require your background in detail to make a community, you can make a community without knowing other's background and also you can create your ideal community whatever you want through social networks. Virtual communities or social networks are very interesting things to do but i still don't know what is actually happening coz simply, i CAN'T SEE THEIR FACE!, it's kind of doubful to me haha.

Ah, i have a question from the lecture note, the concept of 'Virtual community have a significant history.'??? Anyone can explain it in detail?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The information wants to be free!?!?

Late post... I’ve got the course reader on Tuesday, finally! Anyways, the topic in this week is...was about hackers, we discussed in the Thursday class how the idea of ‘the information wants to be free’ is understood and appears in our society today etc (although I couldn’t participate well...). The internet is amazing tool as we know, people use the internet with various purposes and it’s hard to imagine the life without the internet since the internet giving us unlimited pleasure by exchanging the information faster with people sharing the same interest from all over the world. I’ve learnt the brief history of the hackers through course reader. It should not be forgotten that such a convenient tool we have is by grateful work of those hackers in 1960s! They invented the original internet from their strong curious and belief of the idea of ‘The information wants to be free’, and brought the internet into public, we have more choices through it and usually those are more sophisticated. Human curiosity is extremely strong and sometimes very powerful. When you see some kind of magic show, don’t you want to know its mysterious trick? Of course i do!! I am not a hobbyist but curiosity is always very important energy for making something better and newer. However, a development of an ethic of a free exchange of information through networks in decentralized power structure could be contradictory to privacy. An invasion of the privacy is quite a serious current issue so hackers today tend to be seen as a criminal because of their offensive works by breaking the systems, cracking, etc to get individual information. The position of hackers has been changing as society context has changed. The importance of the privacy should be emphasized to construct peaceful human society and to well corporate with people in a certain community, so I doubt an extreme favor of a free and open exchanging of infomation today is not always a happy thing to go through and we may need to watch out more carefully about our privacy. Individual may have to take responsibility for the potencial network disaster. I consider that nothing may become more expensive than information in this information society today.

Mm? Is it off topic?? Anyways i'll leave it~

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hi, this is my first message on my blog!(Is this right place to comment on??) I'm Chika from Japan, this is my second year in uni, majoring communication studies. tell you the truth, i'm not soo familiar with it but I'll try my best and wanna enjoy learning many things in this course with everyone(/^0^)/\(^0^\)