Thursday, March 20, 2008

Weak tie and Strong tie

Personaly i prefer the relationship with a strong tie, but i know how much people relationships are complex and i often feel difficulties in having relationship between people, even between some of my friends.

One reason can be that we are just connected with a weak tie.
As we've learnt this week, the individual's background;language, experience/history affects on communication practices and determines the level of ties in relationship. Especially im here overcease, im experiencing many sorts of things. Oh...maybe it's good time to mention but actually im still struggling to understandand and to speakEnglish..its hard(>0<) so this blog is quite happy place where i can express myself with satisfacton without regard to right or wrong. Back to the topic!

SNS(Social Network Service) like blogs, bebo and 'mixi' (that's a japanese one) etc are examples of virtual communities and social networks (i think?) getting more popular among people. I'm not sure about this but i've heard before that recently japanese 'mixi' are becoming workers' criterion for identiy or smth among some companies in japan. Virtual communities are becoming a part of identity?!! Is it one relating to the term social capital??

I think virtual communities are relatively linked by weak tie but what makes it weak? it can be time lag, lack of emotional intensity etc because of limited way of communication. I mean it doesn't really require your background in detail to make a community, you can make a community without knowing other's background and also you can create your ideal community whatever you want through social networks. Virtual communities or social networks are very interesting things to do but i still don't know what is actually happening coz simply, i CAN'T SEE THEIR FACE!, it's kind of doubful to me haha.

Ah, i have a question from the lecture note, the concept of 'Virtual community have a significant history.'??? Anyone can explain it in detail?


erika said...

Hiya - you're doing fine with writing the blogs, don't worry about the occasional lapse of English (we're all guilty of it!)

Your example about Mixi and workers is interesting - is it really becoming that important as part of wider Japanese society?

Chika said...

Hi Erica, thanks for your commenting! Mm i've just heard sort of things about mixi from a friend.. i need more info to make sure.