Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Let's catch up the missing blogging!! So...for last week, it's about copyright!

Have you ever noticed the mark of copyright in some productions?! As it is shown above on right side of the title, little letter of c,that is the symbol mark of copyright! I actually never pay attention to that mark seriousely before but yes, i could find it on DVD, Guinness bear and...etc.

Copyright is the legal right which giving to the authour to publish, broadcast, perform it etc., and other people must ask their permission to use it or any part of it. This definition is based on a dictionary. Also it gives exclusive rights only to the author to make profit from them.

Copyright infrigement is deserved when people violate the copyrighted works by copying arts, music, books and stuff, performing them in public, etc. In this case, downloading music online is infrigement?? Using the copyrighted works on my blog?? It depends on how and what we used it for. So now i moves on to the term fair use, which it was new term for me.

Fair use is the concept that the United States copyright law accepts some exception of copyright infrigement. There are four factors that determines whether it is fair use or not.I listed them down following.

1.the nature and objects of selections made
2.the nature of the copyrighted work
3.the quantity and value of the materials used
4.the degree in which the use may prejudice the sale or the diminish the profits or supersede the objects of the original work

In this sensem if downloading music into the MP3 player for myself, it is hardly understood as infringement. But if you burn it into CD-ROM, it can be copyright infringement because it becomes productive. Using the copyrighted sorce on my blog also be able to apply to the concept of fair use, as long as my blog is not considered as commercial purpose.

We tends to ignore the copyright becuse of availability of downlodaing online, and an improvement of technology. It is good opportunity to review copyright for the future.


erika said...

since copyright protects the expression of an idea, loading an mp3 onto your player might be considered a copyright violation (depending on whether or not your are in a jurisdiction which allows format shifting, and whether the song was legally obtained in the first place *g*)

Do you think that is fair, for both the consumer of that song, and the producer?

Chika said...

Ah, i understood! Mm, that's not fair for both consumers and producers. But it's too difficult to stop comsumers from downloading especially today (everyone are happy with free downloading honestly!), so i think waht producers can do is perhaps either to promote stronger protection against those consumers(>0<), or to provide more an alternative download searvice like i-tune(^0^).